
Operation Billion Digits Statistics

The following is my attempt to provide easier to view statistics of the unfactored candidates in Operation Billion Digits (mirror). Sadly the original site is now offline but it was located here: http://home.earthlink.net/~elevensmooth/Billion.html

There is also a graph of Operation Billion Digits data.

Current level is 21.07
Desired depth is 22 candidates trial factored to 88 bits.
Average bit depth is: 86.136 462

Last updated on 20 September 2023.

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Showing all 126 results.
Exponent Current Depth Active To Depth Searcher
3,321,928,171 90 - -
3,321,928,241 88 - -
3,321,928,307 88 - -
3,321,928,319 88 - -
3,321,928,373 86 - -
3,321,928,381 86 - -
3,321,928,417 86 - -
3,321,928,483 86 - -
3,321,928,601 86 - -
3,321,928,697 86 - -
3,321,928,699 86 - -
3,321,928,777 86 - -
3,321,928,927 86 - -
3,321,928,963 86 - -
3,321,929,041 86 - -
3,321,929,053 86 - -
3,321,929,059 86 - -
3,321,929,113 86 - -
3,321,929,173 86 - -
3,321,929,179 86 - -
3,321,929,197 86 - -
3,321,929,209 86 - -
3,321,929,411 86 - -
3,321,929,519 86 - -
3,321,929,563 86 - -
3,321,929,573 86 - -
3,321,929,617 86 - -
3,321,929,621 86 - -
3,321,929,701 86 - -
3,321,929,789 86 - -
3,321,929,909 86 - -
3,321,929,927 86 - -
3,321,929,929 86 - -
3,321,929,971 86 - -
3,321,929,987 86 - -
3,321,930,011 86 - -
3,321,930,211 86 - -
3,321,930,229 88 - -
3,321,930,323 88 - -
3,321,930,347 87 - -
3,321,930,349 87 - -
3,321,930,371 87 - -
3,321,930,397 87 - -
3,321,930,401 87 - -
3,321,930,439 87 - -
3,321,930,517 87 - -
3,321,930,613 87 - -
3,321,930,977 87 - -
3,321,931,043 86 87 Luigi
3,321,931,057 86 87 Luigi
3,321,931,099 85 - -
3,321,931,163 85 - -
3,321,931,243 85 - -
3,321,931,289 85 - -
3,321,931,363 85 - -
3,321,931,381 85 - -
3,321,931,429 85 - -
3,321,931,433 85 - -
3,321,931,513 85 - -
3,321,931,531 85 - -
3,321,931,601 85 - -
3,321,931,619 85 - -
3,321,931,777 85 - -
3,321,931,829 85 - -
3,321,931,919 85 - -
3,321,931,931 85 - -
3,321,931,967 85 - -
3,321,931,993 87 - -
3,321,932,093 87 - -
3,321,932,111 87 - -
3,321,932,123 87 - -
3,321,932,143 87 - -
3,321,932,161 87 - -
3,321,932,359 87 - -
3,321,932,567 87 - -
3,321,932,767 87 - -
3,321,932,869 87 - -
3,321,932,909 87 - -
3,321,932,969 87 - -
3,321,933,047 87 - -
3,321,933,089 87 - -
3,321,933,113 87 - -
3,321,933,179 84 - -
3,321,933,193 84 - -
3,321,933,233 84 - -
3,321,933,253 84 - -
3,321,933,289 84 - -
3,321,933,313 84 - -
3,321,933,337 84 - -
3,321,933,361 84 - -
3,321,933,367 84 - -
3,321,933,389 84 - -
3,321,933,451 84 - -
3,321,933,541 84 - -
3,321,933,551 84 - -
3,321,933,577 84 - -
3,321,933,613 84 - -
3,321,933,661 84 - -
3,321,933,679 84 - -
3,321,934,003 84 - -
3,321,934,051 84 - -
3,321,934,129 84 - -
3,321,934,163 84 - -
3,321,934,193 84 - -
3,321,934,241 84 - -
3,321,934,243 84 - -
3,321,934,247 84 - -
3,321,934,379 84 - -
3,321,934,537 84 - -
3,321,934,607 84 - -
3,321,934,697 84 - -
3,321,934,757 84 - -
3,321,934,783 84 - -
3,321,934,801 84 - -
3,321,934,831 84 - -
3,321,934,909 84 - -
3,321,934,951 84 - -
3,321,935,017 84 - -
3,321,935,021 84 - -
3,321,935,213 84 - -
3,321,935,321 84 - -
3,321,935,567 84 - -
3,321,935,797 84 - -
3,321,935,801 84 - -
3,321,935,861 84 - -
3,321,935,963 84 - -
Exponent Current Depth Active To Depth Searcher